Visa Information

Basic Requirements for a Kenyan Visa

  1. Valid travel document not less than six months
  2. The travel document should have at least three blank pages
  3. Return ticket


  1. Possession of a visa is not the final authority to enter the Republic of Kenya
  2. Children under 16 years are exempted from visa payment and are not expected to make visa application
  3. Visa processing fee is non-refundable.
  4. All Visa Applications attract a $1 Service Charge
  5. Engaging in any form of business or employment without a requisite permit or pass is an offence.

Types of Visas

  1. East African Tourist Visa

    This is a Joint Tourist Visa issued to persons traveling to and within Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda for tourism.

    Present evisa Printout to immigration control at the point of entry. East Africa Visa Sticker will be issued at the point of Entry in Kenya.

    Fee: 100 US Dollars

    Multiple Entry Visa

    Issued to Persons who frequent Kenya and their nationalities require a visa to enter Kenya either for business, tourism, medical or other reasons

    Present evisa Printout to immigration control at the point of entry.

    Fee: 100 US Dollars

    5yr Multiple Entry Visa

    Issued to USA nationals who require a visa to enter Kenya either for business or tourism.

    Fee: 200 US Dollars

How to apply for Kenyan Visa

Applications and payment for Kenyan visa is done online for all categories of visas. To start the application process, every applicant needs to register first. 

To register

Application process